
Region: LatAm and Caribbean

Classification of economies by geographic region is based on that of the United Nations Statistics Division.

Middle Income

Based on the income levels set out by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in its Global Competitiveness Report. However, the groupings are slightly different due to the numbers of economies covered. For GEM, the low income group contains both those classified as low income and lower middle by WEF, and the middle income group has those that WEF groups as upper middle. High income is the same for both GEM and WEF.

Population: 2.9 million (2018)

Population data is from the World Bank, except Palestinian Territories World Population Review and Taiwan Worldometers

GDP Growth: 0.7% (2017)

GDP growth data is from the World Economic Outlook Database, except Palestinian Territories Worldometers

GDP Per Capita: $5,029 (2015)

GDP per capita data is from the World Economic Outlook Database, except Palestinian Territories Worldometers

Jamaica Reports

Report information
GEM Jamaica 2016/17 Report
Report information
GEM Jamaica 2013 Policy Brief
Report information
GEM Jamaica 2013 Report
Report information
  • Year of publication: 2012
  • Category: National Reports
  • Language: English
  • Upload date: 2015-03-27

  • Jamaicans are very entrepreneurial and are hardly afraid of failure in starting businesses. The intention to start businesses are relatively low and in 2011 the country registered one of the highest business discontinuance rates among all GEM-participating countries. Yet, Jamaicans confer a high status to successful business owners and most Jamaicans view entrepreneurship as a desirable career choice.

  • URL: https://www.gemconsortium.org/report/48512
GEM Jamaica 2011 Report
Report information
  • Year of publication: 2011
  • Category: National Reports
  • Language: English
  • Upload date: 2015-03-27

  • Nearly half of all Jamaicans (47%) believe that there are good opportunities for starting a business in “the next six months”. The majority of established business owners as well as early-stage entrepreneurs believe that owning a business will result in greater independence. The motives for starting businesses were mostly necessity-driven: 71% for established businesses and 50% in the TEA category.

    More and more researchers have used GEM findings as evidenced in academic and policy discussions. GEM publications continue to have inroads in policy arenas. There has been an increasing impact of GEM data in the major tertiary institutions in Jamaica influenced partially by a wider circulation of the GEM national reports.

  • URL: https://www.gemconsortium.org/report/48348
GEM Jamaica 2010 Report